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Re: Family separation

@Former-Member, I'm also wondering if there are other ways you spend your time when things aren't so difficult. Do you have any hobbies or anything you enjoy? 

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Re: Family separation

@TuxedoCat I used to be involved in a railway and was a train driver in the past but it stopped due to covid and l never went back. I couldn't afford to now in the current situation.  It's hard to find a cheaper hose for rent because the cars has issues preventing me drinking too far to inspect houses so l miss out. I do enjoy exercising such as long walk, jogging etc which l try to do daily


Re: Family separation

Hi @Former-Member ,



I'm so sorry to hear this. You've been through so much and I am so proud you opened up and shared here. I really want to know you are getting support. I am concerned for your welfare.  Can you stay with anyone else, family or friends. I am thinking of you and I do care. Please keep chatting on here. You are much loved and supported. 

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Re: Family separation

Thanks @Paulette, l appreciate your concern and kind words. No l don't have anyone else to stay with they were my only immediate family. My mother is still alive but doesn't speak and l lost my dad in July to a brain tumor. I am not sure what caused the sudden destruction of my family. Yes the relationship had issues and l went through a rough period over 10 years ago with depression but l got the appropriate treatment at the time and things improved. 

Re: Family separation

Hi @Former-Member ,


 I'm sorry to hear about what you have gone through. The upheaval, pain, loss of a stable loving life, it's all too much right now for you. I've worked all night but reading what you had to say about your situation inspired me. Please keep talking to anyone who can be your support right now. This suffering does not define you. Life is always changing. I know it gets said often but this too shall pass. I feel a lot more positivity is coming your way. If you can try to take a walk. Leave where you are to calm and relax yourself. I feel distraction helps. I have had a breakdown of family. Each day is difficult but I have to go on for my children. I hope you can practice some loving kindness to yourself. You can not control how family treats you but you can control your response. It's the hardest thing at times but it can also help you. Take care my friend. I am sleeping today for the next shift but please remember you not alone. 

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Re: Family separation

Thanks @Paulette one again for your positive comments and kind words. 

Re: Family separation

Hi @Former-Member ,


You are welcome and I'm thinking of you. Please remember you are much loved. I'm going to sleep for a while but I hope to see how you are feeling later. Look after yourself. 

Re: Family separation

@Former-Member Sounds horrible mate. I hope you can keep your chin up and we keep talking to you.  The days ahead will be rough, but from the sounds of it, you are a good dad and your advice to them when they get older on how to deal with tough situations will be invaluable.  

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Re: Family separation

Thanks @AussieRecharger . I am a mess and it's so hard being alone with no one to talk to and not knowing if they will ever speak again.

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Re: Family separation

Now just to add insult to injury after my father's death in July and l was cut out his will the house has now been sold obviously because my brother doesn't want me to challenge mums will . Clever tactics. After dads funeral l was told mum and my brother wanted nothing more to do with me so now l know what they were up to. 

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