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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

I have an appointment next Thursday with my regular pdoc @Snowie  I can’t have ECT while I have bronchitis so I’ll ask her about it. I’ve only had 5.


Hows your day going hon?

Re: Morning has broken

I'm glad you have an appt. soon with your pdoc @Eve7 

Hopefully you can work out something if you wanted to continue with ECT. Your choice entirely.


How are you feeling today?


My day has been ok. D has some costumes the need altering so just been doing them and watching some tv.

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 I hope your bronchitis clears. Being sick does not help 💖🫂

Re: Morning has broken

thanks @lavenderhaze I'll get over it as I still have my regular pdoc. The one leaving is the one I see when I'm in hospital as my regular doesn't see inpatients. No I haven't spoken to her as she was probably too busy today with handover etc and I couldn't leave my room but I'm going home tomorrow.

Re: Morning has broken

No it hasn't helped at all being sick @creative_writer but stuff happens.

Re: Morning has broken

Oh no @Eve7 ! Re your pdoc! 😣


I think it's a good idea to go home, especially while you're sick. Bronchitis might take a while to get over 😢


Sending 💙

Re: Morning has broken

I know you are going home today @Eve7 so just hoping things are going ok.

Also hoping that you are feeling a little better.

Sending lots of love and support your way. Thinking of you hon 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

Are you home, @Eve7 ? How is your bronchitis? Do you have people looking after you? 


Sending care and 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Good afternoon @Eve7 

Hoping you have settled in back at home hon and things are going ok.

Sending lots of 💗💗 and squishy hugs.

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Snowie yes, I'm at home. I went to the a/hrs clinic yesterday and was given steroids for my asthma (no olympics for me as now I'd fail the drug test lol) and they did pathology swabs now I've had a message to make an appointment asap. I'm not going to as I waited over 2 hours yesterday. I'll see my GP on Tuesday and hope she doesn't send me to hospital with asthma...I'm such a loser.


I see you're still sick too. Take care hon and rest up, this is a tough season.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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