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Re: Morning has broken

Hello dear @Eve7 


Hope you are feeling a little better today hon. 

Have they said when ECT is starting back up again?


Sending lots of squishy hugs 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie @and I hope you are feeling better today.


I can’t have ECT until my chest is clear so just playing the waiting game while confined to my room. Watching Brit box and Netflix ad nauseam.


I tested negative to Covid RSV, influenza a & b and xray showed bronchitis.


What are you up to today?

Re: Morning has broken

Just found out that the pdoc I always see in here is leaving and today is her last day wtf!!! I don’t want to start with a different pdoc!! I am going to ask to be discharged.

Re: Morning has broken

Oh that sucks @Eve7 ! You’ve had such a rough admission, with being sick and having your ECT halted and now this. 

im actually a bit surprised that they haven’t sent you home cause your sick. Do you think going home is for the best? Or sticking it out would be better? (Totally understand your hesitation with having to start with a new pdoc though)

Re: Morning has broken

I’m here voluntarily @Bow  so I’m checking out. I want to sleep in my own bed and see my own pdoc and hug my own family.


I hope your nausea is better this afternoon 🩵🩵

Re: Morning has broken

Oh no, that’s really tough news @Eve7. I’m sorry to hear your pdoc is leaving—it’s so hard to start over with someone new. Have you had a chance to talk to her about it yet? Maybe she can recommend someone who might be a good fit for you. How are you feeling about all this?

Re: Morning has broken

Oh totally @Eve7  i don’t blame you 💕 I hope discharge is fuss free for you and your home in your own bed swiftly. 

thank you. Just made myself a chai to sip on. 

Re: Morning has broken

Just caught up @Eve7 

That totally sucks on so many levels. Not giving you any notice at all is so wrong.

Whatever you decide to do, we are here for you hon.

Re: Morning has broken

I’m just so upset about her leaving @Snowie I’m going home tomorrow and I will stick with my regular pdoc.

Re: Morning has broken

No doubt you are upset @Eve7 You have every right to be. 

It's so hard to find those supports to trust, and then for that to be taken away in the way it was..... well it's just wrong.


Did they discuss doing ect as an outpatient at all?


If going home tomorrow feels right for you, then we are here to support you 100%.

Have you got an appt. with your pdoc coming up soon? Or can you make one?