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Re: Morning has broken

Good morning @Eve7 

I agree with everyone else. You have as much right to the pdoc appt. than anyone else does. With all you are going through at the moment, you probably need it even more than others.


I hope your day today has some moments of peace in it.

Sending lots of love 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

I don't have enough words to express my love @Eve7 


I'm so sorry your heart is in a zillion pieces. 


I hope dil is feeling a little stronger to arrange a director to look after your darling son x


Hugs, love, strength, you name it Eve, I'm sending it in abundance to you and your family right now 💖 


I love you @Eve7 


Love to all here too, your beautiful souls ❤️ 

Re: Morning has broken

Beautiful message, @Anastasia  ❤️...lovely to see you. 

Thinking of you dear @Eve7 and hoping you're coping...having said that, I know you are in pieces and that's OK. Sending 💛 and wishes...

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 hoping things are moving along ok.

Sending lots of 💗💗

Please know we are thinking of you 


Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  Thinking of you in your grief 💔 and sending wishes for you and the family... 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @NatureLover I spoke to my pdoc this morning and now she is away for the next 3 weeks. She went over what I would do if I wasn't feeling safe and I assured her I just need to be available for my family right now.


It was looking hopeful yesterday the funeral plans were in progress but no movement today. I can't bear this time much longer and I want to go away on the weekend to look at autumn trees. I don't know why but I really want to see a change in season. I'm just unloading so please don't take any notice of me and I will just go right away. I'm sitting in the too hard basket but on a brighter note I passed today's Uni idea how as I guessed more than I's a win and I don't have to bail out yet.


My poor boy has been left for 2 weeks today...where does a mother go to drown her sorrows?

Re: Morning has broken

Think today is a hard (harder?) day for you dear @Eve7  an anniversary?

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 🙂

I hope you and your pdoc were able to plan for where you can reach out to for support when you need.. and you still have the forums here of course!

It sounds like with everything that has been going in your life, you are in need of some nature and the time to connect and just be...

As for, where does a mother go to drown her sorrows.. it sounds like a weekend away to a nearby town that is full of trees that have begun to shed their leaves in preparation for the changing season of Autumn.

I too, love to see the leaves change colour and fall, and then walk through them, crunching under the soles of my shoes. I'm wondering if going away on the weekend is something that you could plan for yourself?

Re: Morning has broken

If my DIL can organise a funeral this week then I will go away Friday to find some autumn leaves @PizzaMondo. If she doesn't do it this week I cant see how I'll possibly go on any longer without laying my boy to rest.


pdoc has suggested an admission but that would just complicate things even more.

Re: Morning has broken

Oh dearest @Eve7 ♥ How I wish there was something I could say or do to make it all just a little bit less painful for you. Its horrible how helpless people around you feel when they see someone hurting so much,  but are powerless to help. I know you are suffering,  I know your whole family are suffering. 


I am glad your family have you,  as you are so strong. Though I know you probably dont feel it. But you are. You have been through so much in your life,  and remain unconquered. I am aware of todays anniversary too 👼💞


I really hope that your dear boy can be placed in the safe guiding hands of a funeral director very soon. This will allow the necessary functions to take place.  Then all of you will be able to take the next steps in your overwhelming grief.


Well done for keeping your apt with pdoc. Thats important. I hope it helped. 


And a giant tick for passing the Uni quiz. No easy task,  under the circumstances.  You clearly know your stuff! ♥


Ems 🌹