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Circle drop down menus with words I'm a support person interested in with a watering can and water drops graphic to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I'm a health professional interested in with a trellis and plant illustration to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I want to register for an event and two plant pots to the right of it
Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Hi @Glisten Hope you're having a productive day . . . and a happy one too. Went through all sorts of hell trying to send you pictures. First the mods saw the tattoos on my little helper, then finally worked out how to edit photos, the the computer shat itself and lost the photos all together. 


She doesnt know how to edit and i forgotten how to so we have gone for the cover up technique. This is pictures of the wardrobe again. . . by with stuff moved in. Also my helper helped me paint the glass door. 


But mostly you wanted of photo of my homemade cupping device. Syringe creates the vacuum, the little inline ball valves maintain the suction. I have silicon foam that stops the digging in. Plastic tubing from bunnings. Costs bugger all but was more about the fun of figuring it out. Will come back to you later as there is a bit going on today.


You take care buddy,




[moderator: these photos cannot identify the person. They are wearing a wig. Does not breach anonymity]

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place


Re: My Place

Hey @tonys ,


Thanks for making the effort to go through the who process again to ensure the anonymity of your model is maintained.


We recognise this was a lot of work on your behalf - and your model's behalf!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Thanks  @tyme  My fault..   She come's n goes and I just keep forgetting to ask her to send.  You know me by now.   If I can't turn something into a Broadway stage  show . . .  well I'm just not having fun.

She had it done in less than a minute,   no trip to hell involved... I was overdramatizing.   

Tec is something I just have to put a whole lot more effort into.     Hope the day is being kind to you.


Re: My Place

@tonys 🙌🏼 The size of that window Huckleberry. HUGE

Is that a glass desk? Nice timber return shelf a long the window sill.

I like the slats on the top self. Nicely spaced.
Metal shower curtain rod or towel rails are good for hanging clothes under a shelf.

Love your work Huck.


Re: My Place

@tonys first thought homemade breastmilk extractor. Or the torture device from the Princess Bride.

It’s not pretty but Huck you are an underfunded genius.

I tip my hat to you sir.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Thankyou @Glisten  yes its a 12mm hunk of toughened glass.  The part I couldn't show, has a ton of clothes already hanging. The book keeper decided to have half of it as an office.   Sheds coming along

but rain our   'Water Loo'.   and its poring as I write.  How is the turning coming along It must be so

satisfying watching creation unfold in your hands,  the bequest of your mind.  Well I know for sure its Easter,  because the unreliable NBN  is made all the more frustrating under the strain of holiday

on line gamers.  I just got a post from you show up that was 3 weeks old.  Wonder how that happens.

Well my friend.  Have a splendid  Easter break..   tonys.  

Re: My Place

Gorgeous pic of your home and BK @tonys 


Great balcony/verandah


@Glisten watched some of the woodwork.

Friend took pic of sculpture with chainsaws this week.  Amazing what people can do. I love art.  Am utterly terrible at it. Been doing a little art therpay on zoom... and the main thing I can see is how uber cautious I am... and how much negative space.  Its as if I frightened to leave a mark. Just as well I am less cautious with typing!  Posting on forum has kept me alive. Thanks folks


@Oaktree Hugs

Re: My Place

@Appleblossom What @tonys said.

creativity starts with mess, because life is messy. 
As an Undergraduate I surveyed 2000 year old tombs. The text chiseled into the stone would go around the corner because the person didn’t have the skills to measure the letters. Now that mistake is there for eternity and that is wonderful.

The empty vault in the Great Pyramid - no mystery. The trajectory is out of alignment so they built another one below it.

Mistakes make as human we are wonderfully and beautifully flawed.


This is Jackson Pollock. What do you see?




Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Very... very,  well said  @Glisten   Jackson Pollack..   The  reactor at Sane would go 'critical'  if I really opened up the throttle on that painting.   But more than that,  I liked the message and observations in your letter.    I have so very little time to post and read these days  that if I do get one in,   well.  I have to leave a piece of me with it.   I just put your piece of  vibrant colour into my swag..              Letters . . .


I guess when I eat a steak.   I  Don't like it raw,     But,  It has to be,   Raw.   As I chew,  I need to feel what the beast feels as he trembles through

the valley of stainless steel,  and  into the dispassionate  eye of the  macerater..   


Will we ever know what Pollack thinks..  anyone thinks..   I want to see the paintings we hang on the

inside of us,   away from the light.          Thats the steak that feeds  my beast .     

You probly guessed I'm writing again and am on a deadline  Glisten..   You just handed me treasure.

thankyou ..  my friend.       Huck..                                tns.. 


Think  @Former-Member  would want in on your letter too,  if thats ok Glisten.    Bye  mate..