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Re: Living with absence

Hello @Krishna 


I am not very good company at the moment..

Head trying to deal with so many life scenarios ...outcomes... getting nowhere...just digging deeper..


Saw you over here and thought that I will not drag my stuff with me more connect and say hello


cold water showers have had a few...exhilarating..

currently injury and ensuing surgery rehab interrupted by life ....cold showers would probably cause me to slip and have to avoid that at all costs..


am going to get outside in the sun soon whilst it is there...water what needs watering..

observe what has grown...passed...etc..

not sure if I told you that I have a gardener now....don't like the concept as want to do it myself..not able to get back yet...

so have to behave....not good at that...


your vegetables sound like they are thriving and thankful for your attention.

camellias are beautiful...

can't grow them in our garden yet as too open and wind not nice at times


what other cottage garden plants do you have?

I also have natives and succulents. Know native names but not succulent to me to grow them.


soak in the sun....sights and smells...


Sophia1  big hug

Re: Living with absence

Hi @Sophia1 Hmmmm my company not the best either at present also with life challenges. Sad news received yesterday regarding a close family member, daughter with domestic violence issues today (she’s shaken but not hurt), cold drizzly and looking forward to sleep tonight and hoping it’s restful. Was lovely to see my broadbeans popping up through the soil today as well as garlic and greens thriving. My 1/4 acre block perimeter is all garden, no grand design just planted as I acquired. Semi evergreen ash at the front gate with a banksia rose arbour. Front fence was like the old metal school fences so is now an ivy hedge. A lovely big English Alder with a trunk like elephant skin. Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Roses, Agapanthus, Conifers oh the list goes on. Villagers call it a bush block as you can no longer see the house from the street. I love it. So much bird life call it home. It really is my sanctuary. I have a little garden shed made from recycled timbers and a bright yellow bench outside it where I spend mindful moments sitting in the sun and contemplating life. I’m sorry you’re facing physical challenges Sophia. Life’s hard enough as it is without the added physical discomfort. Tonight my throat is red raw and just feeling plain exhausted. Has been a long drawn out day of emotions. Rest well. Take care and enjoy just sitting in the sunshine when you can 🙏❤️🌹

Re: Living with absence

@Sophia1  ❤️🙏🌹

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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