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Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@TideisTurning , @Daisydreamer @outlander @Former-Member , @Fizz , @Klutz 

Our community  feels isolated from   others even though in rural areas we have not been affected by the  virus really but a lot have felt cut off from the world 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Yeap @TideisTurning the feeling of fogotfulness due to COVID in fire affected communities is so real and so sad

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@Klutz i take my hat off to you because there's no way I could of left. I guess both have advantages and disadvantages. Whilst I stayed and have some support from neighbours, the effects of waking up everyday looking at the burnt trees and debris still everywhere has been really hard. 
If I left I would of been in the same boat as you, wouldn't have to look at the visual everyday but would be disconnected from support 😞 sorry you're going through that 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Yeap @TideisTurning the feeling of fogotfulness due to COVID in fire affected communities is so real and so sad


Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@Shaz51 Yes- isolation can come in so many different forms and be felt in many different ways. Added on top of everything you're left to deal with after a fire or natural disaster, it seems even tougher, I'm sure.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@Daisydreamer @TideisTurning
@Fizz @Former-Member
im sorry but i have to go, thank you guys for running this and giving people a space to talk

To everyone: Please keep talking, i hear how hard it is for you all in many different ways. please keep reaching out

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @KingParrot so sorry we missed your last post, if you use the reply button here you can repost your last reply so we can all offer support 🙂 


Feel free to give us a shout out if you need a hand with replying 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Thanks so much for jbeing here with us & for your contributions to the discussion @outlander. We really appreciate you being here! 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

I didn’t really know what a trigger was.
These words don’t help,
You are so lucky
I know how you feel as I am getting divorced and have to move,
You can replace things,
Seeing photos,
Hearing people saw what a hard year they have had as they couldn’t go to dance classes,
Have radio announcers totally ignore bushfires in a recap of the year,
Going into bookshops as my burnt and many other triggers ,

Re: Topic Tuesday // Life After Bushfires // Tues 19th January, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Ohh hugs my sister xoxo @outlander 🥰❤


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