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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry about your mother’s opinions @Snowie  but well done for not biting back.


I stayed at S1’s last night to do the school run and then came straight home to do the washing, go to the supermarket and then cleaned out some drawers in my room. Just have to decide what to do with the bits and pieces that are left over…should just put them in the Vinnies bag.


About to bring in the washing and the domestic goddess will sign off for the day.


Do you have much on tomorrow?

Re: Morning has broken

Biting back would have just made things worse @Eve7 She just blurts out things even if they hurt someone.


Sounds like you got lots done today hon. Well done.

Always nice to be able to sit down and see just how much you've done. Would have kept you busy too.


Have gp tomorrow morning. Probably won't say much, just a quick 15min appt.

Other than that, just trying to stay occupied at home.


Have you got many plans?



Re: Morning has broken

I have pdoc then gp to get these blood test results she wants to discuss with me. I wish it was the other way around and I had pdoc after gp.


I’ll do a final training session before we head south. They’ve been training remotely while I was in hospital so I really need to be supportive this weekend @Snowie 

Re: Morning has broken

I find after my pdoc appointments I am mentally and physically drained @Eve7 

It is hard to have anything on after them.


I hope all of the results come back ok and it's only a little problem. I guess if it was serious/urgent then they would have got you in straight away.


You are always supportive hon no matter what it is. I'm sure they will love having you around this weekend.

Re: Morning has broken

I’ve just realised I left my chargers at S1’s 😩 it will be cheaper to buy new ones than to do another 180km round trip.

Re: Morning has broken

oh thats no good @Eve7 

Yes much easier to buy new one's than make that long trip again, especially with fuel prices!!


I hope your day is going ok today hon 💗🌹

Re: Morning has broken

Visited pdoc this morning but tried to keep it calm rather than distressing although we did talk about an incident that occurred last week in the local community that was rather horrific. I will stay on weekly visits for now but hopefully that can lessen in the near future before she gets tired of listening to my drivel.


I had to buy new chargers and end ended up spending more than anticipated but this is very much a first world problem...can't imagine not having my phone and watch charged in this day and age.


The GP was next and I think this will be a small thyroid problem but I'll know after an ultrasound. What else can happen?


I'm going south for the weekend tomorrow and will be taking a uni assignment with me so I may be offline when I'm not at a sporting event.


Take care everyone xo

Re: Morning has broken

I found some nature @rav3n a mother curlew has 4 car spaces reserved while she does her nesting.


Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

Thanks for letting us know.


I really hope that this weekend goes well and you manage to enjoy yourself.

Take care hon 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 


Just leaving some 💗💗as you head into a busy weekend


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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