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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Hello @Eve7 

Been a few days but just coming past to see how you are going. I know today will be an ect day.

Sending lots of love hon 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

Afternoon @Emelia8 

Hoping today is going ok for you. I know how hard it is for you at the moment.

Sending lots of 💌💌you way.

Thinking of you hon

Re: Morning has broken

Sending love back to you @Snowie 



Re: Morning has broken

Good morning @Eve7 

No ect today, so hopefully a day of rest and maybe a group.


Hoping today goes well for you hon. Sending lots of 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

ECT day today @Eve7 

Sending bucket loads of 💕💕

Still here with you

Re: Morning has broken

I hope today is a better day for you @Snowie 


I really want to sleep in my own bed.



Re: Morning has broken

C'mon @Eve7 

Re: Morning has broken

I just want to give up.

Re: Morning has broken

Hugs @Eve7 , 


I hear how hard it is for you right now. I hear how much the longing is there to 'give up'. We want to be here to support you in any way possible. You mean a lot to many of us here on the forums.


I see how much you are hurting and can only imagine what it is like to be in your shoes.


Please feel this hug and know we are here for you.


There's an email coming your way.

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @tyme , I'm doing ok today. I was allowed out for a walk and nothing went wrong so maybe, just maybe I'll be allowed home in the next few days. I've been in for weeks and have lost track how long. I'll respond to your email soon.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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