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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @StuF tomato soup turned out ok. Was able to peel the skin off the tomato easily. It was really quite robust in taste. I also added a tin of tomatoes. Will have to do it again. It was tasty like the Amys brand tomato soup minus the salt content. Next time will add some vegan "sour cream" to it. Saw in a recipe to add cream to tomato soup. I don't do dairy so vegan sour cream will do. Anyway I guess I better go for a walk

Re: Tabaluga's

Glad the soup turned out ok @SmilingGecko 

I've never seen the attraction of cream in tomato soup, but whatever works!


Hope you're enjoying a walk

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes, 90% of way then car slowed down after doing 110 in overtaking zone, then sped up and slowed bet. 100-110 after that so over like 3 cars at once uphill in overtaking lane @  145k's @StuF  lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Hmmmmm @TAB  🤔



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah , no self talk before drive, no water -bottle , often does not end well @StuF  what worries me is that someone will recognise me here. keep thinking that road is in middle of nowhere

Re: Tabaluga's

Back from a walk @StuF @TAB I did not tire and no recovery time required. Saw some cockatoos again screeching in a nearby street. Just having a break now and doing my blood irradiation.  Will check blood sugars soon.  Anyway it looks like I'm back in the swing of things again with my fitness routine.  I want to drop another couple of dress sizes. Should be able to achieve that with yoga.


I'm pretty sure my metabolism has been damaged when I had anorexia nervosa as a teenager. But according to a medical intuitive I follow you can fix it with things like yoga. I've wondered about having a session with this medical intuitive. Don't know if she does zoom. Shes in the USA


I have to do something as I plateued last year and still hovering around the same digits on the scales. But shes maintained a healthy weight throughout her life with yoga. When I did Qigong my weight went down but can't do it now due to my knees so will just do kundalini yoga instead.



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hatha is good for lowering stress hormones @SmilingGecko  think thats connection between yoga and weight

Re: Tabaluga's

As in your townsfolk recognising you @TAB ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not sure who else would, but yeah @StuF 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB Yes I have heard of hatha will follow up on your suggestion because it makes sense. There may be something on you tube I can do. I used to notice Yoga with Adriene but had no energy to stick to the practices but I can do it now.  I think as women get older more stress hormones but I'm not stressed really. I'm earthed quite a lot. But could always do with improvement. Will see how I go


I don't draw attention to myself if I go out. I just wear plain clothes. Maybe that is something you can do if youre worried getting out and about. Do you just have ordinary things to wear? Maybe a baseball cap and sunnies and just nondescript clothing?