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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, sounds a good plan ha ha re walk daily. Hope you're okay


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @Meowmy  just a bit bored here, slept half the day so might be too early for bed lol should go to bigtown tomorrow.Plus need to do study ha ha

Re: Tabaluga's

Not good day today have been struggling a lot and feeling low


I haven't had a roast lamb since my elder son left @Oaktree Hope you enjoy 


I like the Dockers to @Bill16 bit of competition going there with @StuF nice to 👀 


@Meowmy @TAB @StanD @tonys @SmilingGecko @PinkFlamingo 

Have a good night all

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @saturnzoon  and all,

I just wish the AFL was on earlier! They're only just bouncing now and it's 8.30pm in the east! This kid's going to bed soon...


Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, big town should be good tomorrow. Enjoy study. Just had zoom with friends. How is temperature your place 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

was just watching AFL my team barely hung on to win after being way in front first half of the game. supposed to be down to 5 deg here tonight, 12 outside atm , got fire going, with no preparation. will have to split more wood tomorrow.  Hope you are okay, staying up here for a bit, got excited team won in the end @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB very good tabby, sounds a good evening your end.

Re: Tabaluga's

Congratulations @TAB for team winning 

Same @StuF flogged our team @Bill16 I couldn't watch it all sad 😢 😞 


Don't fall asleep most nights now before 1am, my night's meds don't help any more and melatonin 

I listen to my audio books or wave frequency or meditation but don't always work and can't just keep taking extra meds


Wishing everyone has a good night sleep 😴 

@Meowmy @Oaktree @tonys @Glisten 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @saturnzoon 

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah sorry for the confusion, @TAB ; the implant mention was of my implant - that I trust a lot - that is made by Boston Scientific, who also do the equipment for Pulsed Field Ablations which happens to be useful in some types of afib, besides cardioversion or cryo or heat ablation methods for the same… apparently PFA is better than heat/cold, so it seems.

(I have an implanted cardiac monitor to send data back to cardiologist for a form of sustained ventricular tachycardia that can sometimes lead to sudden cardiac stoppage, and the permanent consequence of having no pulse…the implant is not useful so much in afib from what I understand). 

doing a second sleep study test at around 6 months was common for afib patients in the sleep lab I used to work at, especially if CPAP wasn’t suitable. Hopefully the second test gives rise to some answers/corroborates results/provides alternate results. 

I’ve seen patients stop breathing for 2-3 and up to 4 mins at a time, repeatedly, throughout the duration of their studies, where I could see dramatic changes (reductions) to SpO2 (oxygen levels) throughout these events (and these patients I would call an ambulance for, and get them taken to the hospital immediately). 
I myself stop breathing indefinitely each time I fall asleep - it’s only using a ventilator that keeps me alive by pushing 600ml of air into my lungs 12 times a minute that I maintain sufficient gas exchange, for the entire night. The printout from my device shows less than 6% independent breathing for the entire duration I am asleep. If it wasn’t for this tech, I would only have the time I could stay awake. I’ve been past my use by date for 9 years now (the time I have been reliant on ventilation to keep me alive while sleeping). 🌺

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