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New to group - yay panic

Hi everyone
I’ve been googling up a storm lately trying to find a way to make sense of things. In the past two weeks, I’ve had 2 episodes that resemble panic attacks. Each one happened when I wasn’t home and it was evening. It would start with my heart beat getting fast and then I would get a head rush feeling that would originate in my stomach. Then my thoughts would stop making sense and I would feel soooo scared and cold. It is so terrifying and I feel so alone. I have spent about 95% of the day today in bed, afraid to leave the house. I am also scared because I have epilepsy for which I take medication. The seizures have been controlled for years now, but googling has told me that these symptoms can also be symptoms of a simple partial seizure. So far, 2 doctors have told me that it’s a panic attack - so I’m hoping that’s what it is.
In any case, I don’t know what to do. I’m scared and I feel like I have no control over my life. I’ve been trying to figure out how to manage my stress. I’ve been getting adequate sleep and I don’t drink/smoke at all.

How does a person live with something when you have no clue what’s lurking around the corner? Especially when most people think you just need to “get over it” or “suck it up”. Sorry, went on a tangent there but it would help if I could talk to someone who is going through this too.


Re: New to group - yay panic

Hello @Bananatron and welcome to the forum

 I have had  epilepsy and depression caused by the epilepsy medications , when i had seizures , I would need oxygen

My husband who has MI all his life has panic attack where he totally freezes in what he is doing

You asked --- How does a person live with something when you have no clue what’s lurking around the corner?, I know it is very hard but just keep on doing , don`t let this stop you , I know , I have been through this  and you can too , a step at a time my friend

You are not alone and we are here for you and to help and support you along the way , I got scared too wondering if something would happen today

so I am giving you a big knowing hug HeartHeart

How has your day been today @Bananatron


Re: New to group - yay panic

Hi @Shaz51!
Today I have an appointment with my neurologist. It’s my first time with this one as my previous one accepted a job at the John Hopkins institute in Boston. She was so amazing! I really hope this one is okay. I will share with her what happened and I am really hoping that those weren’t seizures. See, that’s my biggest fear...that it’s going to be a seizure. The whole time it was happening, I was terrified that it was either going to turn into a seizure, or that I was actually having one. I’ve spent way too much time googling stuff, but I can’t help it.

I’m really scared that I have to leave the house this morning. My sister will come get me though so at least I won’t be alone. Yesterday I spent all day in bed, crying off and on, and felt completely useless. It’s going to be a long time before I can feel like I have some kind of control.

Thank you for the hug! I needed it! ❤️

Re: New to group - yay panic

Hello @Bananatron

all the best for today , sooo glad that your sister is with you

walking with you HeartHeart

keep in touch my friend

Re: New to group - yay panic

So I managed to leave the house (yay!) and saw my neurologist. She said that what I experienced is likely a panic attack rather than a simple partial seizure. That made me feel a bit better, but it still means that I have this anxiety to deal with. I was okay until I got back home and was alone. I started to get panicky and loopy feeling. I felt the rush start to come from my stomach towards my head. I turned on music and started to sing along to hopefully distract me. I played with my dog a bit (didn’t help all that much). I’ve got the music playing still and am trying to stay busy with work and squeeze my squeezy apple. I hope that this is not going to become my new normal 😞

Re: New to group - yay panic

Hello @Bananatron

There are lots of others on the Forums who have mentioned their experience with anxiety and panic attacks, such as @Sans911, @CheerBear, @outlander and @Aussiej, @Neelix and @utopia. Perhaps they have some insights to share from their own experience.

and @Pebblesmight be able to help

Re: New to group - yay panic

@Bananatron. Welcome to the forums.
I used to have many panic attacks weekly. But after therapy - I now only have about 2 a year. They are frightening and they paralys me. So those unhelpful words people say like 'suck it up' - 'just get over it' & 'it's nothing'. They do not help at all.
Somwtimes people have triggers that bring on a panic attack. Other people like me don't always have a trigger.
The best thing I did was see a psychologist and he gave me exercises to practice - that would reduce the severity of an attack. Eventually it got to the point where I can prevent most attacks from occurring.
It is not an overnight cure. You have to practice daily. But it really helped me.
Quite often during a panic attack or at the first signs of an attack coming - I would accidentally increase its severity by panicking more. So I learnt how to stop doing this.
I wish you well with conquering your panic attacks.

Re: New to group - yay panic

hey @Bananatron, checking in to see how you are my friend

Re: New to group - yay panic

Hi @Shaz51! I’m okay. Been busy travelling for work these past couple weeks. Happy to be home. I just experienced Reiki for the first time ever. It was a really neat experience!! I feel all noodle-like! How are you doing these days?

Re: New to group - yay panic

I am okish @Bananatron Smiley Happy

How is the weather , it is raining here

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