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Looking after ourselves

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

 @Sasha_86 what has happened?

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

@Sasha_86  I tend to go into some.sort of auto pilot at times like that. We have young children so focusing on them is what gets me through. I would not say that I was overly  effective though. The biggest thing I have learned is that self care is even more important during the tough times... the times I forget about me and distract myself looking after everyone else. 


Trust everything is ok for you now.

Thinking of you. 

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

yes @Sasha_86  what happened my friend , here for you xx

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

@Former-Member  to be honest nothing has happened today, second day home after my loves most recent ideation so I think just a combo of limited sleep, tension, and hyper vigilance maybe? Just one of those days where emotions are right on the surface and nerves are a little frazzled...

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul


Crisis times are always so draining @Sasha_86.  Not knowing if they are truly over certainly played on my mind for a long time and as Mr Darcy attempted probably always will.

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

It certainly is draining I am thankful that I have a good support system at work as I head back tomorrow!

It is also good to feel understood and a little less alone @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Determined thank you all for hearing me

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

@Lisek when will GP be back from leave? 

@Shaz51  how are things with you?

@Lost1 are you a knitter?

@Sasha_86  hope things ok going back to work

@Determined  have you any rides planned?

@Former-Member hope things not too overwhelming for you.

@Tiggeroo  hope things have steadied with bipolar bear, have been a bit worried the dreaded D word may have crept in.

@Faith-and-Hope   will be thinking of you and hope you can get a good routine going in relation to uni + family

@PeppiPatty  hope you and Mr G ok.

@Carlachris  has the heat been a bit much for you.

@Raine  how are things with you?


Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

Hi Darcy and all dear carers. How are you?


We managed to get a referal to a psychiatrist from a different but very good gp and my Mr will go for a visit in March. I'm happy this little step was made but I worry it will be another hit and miss. What if they don't see through his though mask if "i'm ok i guess...I get by" and send him home with yet another "I am here for you if you need professional help". I really worry about that. Mr will be away for 2 weeks again due to work and I worry the black dog will chase him again. I think I will go to a psychologist myself to look for some help.


I wanted to go to the first appointment with my Mr but he now doesn't want me to. It's ok but I worry he will not convey the bigger picture. It's not a though year or two... He has been depressed his whole life but lately...I guess as we age things mean less and less to him, more things seem like lost forever and unreachable, gone like youth. So there is less to keep him going, there is always that drag of looking back and seeing "all the things I never had, all the things I never did". How to compete with that.

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

Next ride sometime next week all to plan @Former-Member.  

Re: Partners who chose to stay for the long haul

Work was a welcome distraction despite the worry however all in all the day was good  hopefully making tomorrow a little easier 😁 how are things for you @Former-Member ?

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