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Circle drop down menus with words I'm a support person interested in with a watering can and water drops graphic to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I'm a health professional interested in with a trellis and plant illustration to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I want to register for an event and two plant pots to the right of it

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Another boating excursion ending in the wrong type of excitement yesterday.

And another source of entertainment for others at the boat ramp when someone carelessly dropped the car key over the side of the boat into the water 🤯

I had to dive in the water to find it now have cuts on my feet from crustaceans growing on the ramp 🤕:nauseated_face:  Will need ro keep an eye on that due to risk of infection from such cuts.  Otherwise it was an enjoyable day. for the boys and I.

Thought darling was enjoying it but apparently found it boring 🙁

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

On a positive note the key was found and the car started.

I was unsure if the car had an immobiliser or juat remote unlock.

Thankfully remote unlock only as the remote is toast. Apparently electronic devices don't like salt water lol. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Well done getting the keys back @Determined.

One old "home remedy" that really works for cuts, burns, and other "prone to infection" injuries is a bit of honey on a bandaid or other dressing. Any Aussie bush honey is good, preferably cold pressed. "Medi-Honey" is overpriced manuka/ti-tree honey. Don't bother with that. 😛 The honey gets absorbed into the skin, and acts as a gentle poultice to draw out any contaminants in the wound. Plus it's antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal, and if you get too much on your fingers while applying it, you can just lick them clean.


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Will have to try the honey @Smc 

Growing up my Mum always used a bread poultice.

Lots of infected foot wounds on feet growing up on a farm lol. 


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

How are your feet going @Determined ?

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Feet still Red @Former-Member  but mostly healed and thankfully no infections. 

A bit sore after an hour walk earlier in the week other than that I am surprised how.quickly they healed. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

I had a meeting with a student advisor today to plan upcoming semester.

Was feeling ok about options after but can feel anxiety rising again already.

Still waiting on a response from enrolments team to approve our proposal 😬

Also I have to make up my mind between face to face v online only learning.

Face to face will.require up to 5 hours per week travel 😬😬


I am determined to finish my degree this year one way or another. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Have I mentioned that the car key started working again.

Which is great as a replacement is over $150 for non genuine.

Happy about that for as long as it lasts 😁

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Is finishing course attainable without overt stress @Determined ?  

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Jury is out on that one @Former-Member 

I am waiting on approval on a drop / swap of an elective that will have a big impact. 

If it is not sustainable a  fall back option is to exit with a lesser degree.

I won't know until it is all underway.  I would like to think I can finish but do have concerns about how sustainable it is. Going to be 🙁