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Circle drop down menus with words I'm a support person interested in with a watering can and water drops graphic to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I'm a health professional interested in with a trellis and plant illustration to the right of it
Circle drop down menus with words I want to register for an event and two plant pots to the right of it

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Lovely @Shaz51 you deserve a day off 💐

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thank u so much … I feel a bit better after our therapy session last night. It’s a new day & I’m feeling positive. Love 2 u all x

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Dear @Shaz51, I was taught a great recipe for a concoction for coping when I have the flu and I am feeling depressed as well. Please feel free to share it. A fantastic naturopath gave the recipe after 8 doses of antibiotics failed to work. Here goes....

Into a glass put a dollop of honey, the juice of one lemon, some fenugreek seeds, a small teaspoon of fresh garlic or bottled garlic, a small teaspoon of fresh ginger or bottled ginger, and some warm or hot water from the kettle or tap. Stir thoroughly until all ingredients are combined. Gargle the concoction so that it coats your sore throat and swallow, if you wish. This combination is both antibiotic and it reduces fever and builds up your immune system. Unless you are allergic to bees, I can recommend it to anyone (though I would strain it for children to swallow).

I hope you are allowed to share this. The it next time you are feeling low.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

i will share @Ripples 

thank you soo much my friend 

how has your day been today xx

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hi everyone, I'm new to the group.  I don't have very much in my coping toolbox. I care for my elderly mother and also do everything around my home. I don't have a support network and am slowly burning out, and coping with my own mental health issues am finding my MH is not coping well. Any suggestions? 

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

I am feeling the same, burning our trying to raise 2 young boys with partner who has given up and doesn't want to engage and get help. Have to learn to treasure any 5 minutes you get for peace and yourself.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hello @TiredL @Flurry0306,

 @TiredL you have a support network here now! 😊🙏💙


A big welcome to you both. I'm running so a quick note to say welcome to the forums. A place where you can give and receive support and offload without any judgement. 

I also gently encourage you to contact the Carer Gateway and access these. Here is a link:


Both practical and emotional supports are available. I need to run for now but look forward to getting to know you both 💕


Hello also to

@Shaz51 @Ripples @Mum6 @Appleblossom @Krishna @greenpea 💕

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thanks for sharing this @Shaz51 . 


1. Another I would add that I have noted which has helped is daily journaling even if for 10 min. It has really helped checked in with self. 

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thankyou xx

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

I’m using each day as my phone screen saverI’m using each day as my phone screen saver